Archive for February, 2010

Focus on… the TLUD

February 24, 2010

The TLUD (Top Lit Up Draft) gasifier was originally designed by Paal Wendelbo which he took to Africa in 1988. Since then, the design has been adapted and distributed around the world. A prototype of the design amended by Anderson has been produced and tested in Cambodia. A model was also adapted by ARTI in India.

It is a double chamber system, which is lit from the top, a chimney can be added and the air flows in via a tube at the bottom. More complex versions have a fan to force air into the system.

Feedstock is gasified meaning it burns with a smokeless flame. Waste biomass including wood shavings, corn stubble, coconut husks, reeds, sugar cane bagasse have been tested. Charcoal / biochar is produced which can be burned in the unit, or saved to be burned at a later date.

Prices for this stove vary, depending on the design and materials. The design by Anderson includes a ‘refugee’ and ‘artisan’ version to suit different target audiences.

TLUD produced by the Iron Workshop, Siem Reap, Feb 2010.

2nd Launching Event and Inception Workshop

February 11, 2010

Dr Simon Shackley and Sarah Carter from the University of Edinburgh attended the launch event of the project on 8-9 December 2009 in Bangkok.

The event was a great opportunity to receive feedback on the project plan, and to discuss new ideas with AIT and the other winners of the second round of grants.